Who will be the Next PM of UK?

Rishi Sunak, Boris Johnson   Jeremy Hunt, Penny Mordaunt

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Liz Truss Failed!

Now The Question Is Who will save UK in this Critical Time.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned on Thursday in just 45 Day. She said Sorry on their mistakes.

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Rishi Sunak

Sunak remains a favorite of bookies for PM.

Rishi Sunak is former finance minister of Indian origin, will be the next prime minister.

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Boris Johnson

Formal PM May be the Future PM

Johnson still finds support from old friend & Supporter of Johnson believe the party should bring him back

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Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt the New Chancellor will be the next pm.

He climbed the list of favorites for his role less than a week later. Conservative Party lawmakers have referred to Hunt as the real prime minister.

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Penny Mordaunt

Tory MPs in his current role as Leader of the House of Commons

She is widely seen as a consensus candidate, and has maintained ties with Tory MPs in his current role as Leader of the House of Commons.

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